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Eric was kind enough to correct my imprecision.
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So long as the new title meets the requirements for patent titles, there should be no problem. Keep in mind that suggested changes to the title may be made to you, so it is already possible that the title will change after your non-provisional has been reviewed.

The title -- name -- of the invention isn't the invention, it is a clear and concise description of what the invention is or does. The "old" and "new" titles should both be kinda close because the non-provisional must make claims related to what was claimeddescribed in the provisional.

So long as the new title meets the requirements for patent titles, there should be no problem. Keep in mind that suggested changes to the title may be made to you, so it is already possible that the title will change after your non-provisional has been reviewed.

The title -- name -- of the invention isn't the invention, it is a clear and concise description of what the invention is or does. The "old" and "new" titles should both be kinda close because the non-provisional must make claims related to what was claimed in the provisional.

So long as the new title meets the requirements for patent titles, there should be no problem. Keep in mind that suggested changes to the title may be made to you, so it is already possible that the title will change after your non-provisional has been reviewed.

The title -- name -- of the invention isn't the invention, it is a clear and concise description of what the invention is or does. The "old" and "new" titles should both be kinda close because the non-provisional must make claims related to what was described in the provisional.

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So long as the new title meets the requirements for patent titles, there should be no problem. Keep in mind that suggested changes to the title may be made to you, so it is already possible that the title will change after your non-provisional has been reviewed.

The title -- name -- of the invention isn't the invention, it is a clear and concise description of what the invention is or does. The "old" and "new" titles should both be kinda close because the non-provisional must make claims related to what was claimed in the provisional.