As documented at the site the link in your question points to, this was a subject of large push-back. There was a re-examinaion process started that is still pending and it looks like the one law suit has been stayed waiting for the result of the re-exam.
This can be looked up and followed in the USPTO public[USPTO Public PAIR][1]. If you up an application or patenting PAIR there is a continuity tab that will give you information and links to it related parent and child applications. TheA reexamination proceeding gets is own serial number that the system uses like an application number.The reexam serial # in this case is 90/011,974 and two of the dates things have happened are:
01-10-2012 Notice of Reexam Published in Official Gazette And
the last thing in the case was a response by the patent holder:12-03-2012 Response after Non-Final Action