I demonstrated a solar tracking mount I built at a Renewable Energy Fair, MREA Midwest Renewable Energy Association. in Custer. Wisconsin. Several thousand people saw it on or about June 21st 2001. A week or so later I posted pictures of this on my web site:
http://www.redrok.com/electron.htm#mrea2001posted pictures of this on my web site.
I found US6563040US6563040 which is clearly a close copy of my tracking mount. I listed it on my patent page:
http://www.redrok.com/neat.htm#US6563040my patent page.
After several years I found Herbert T. Hayden but he said he was not actually involved with writing the patent and didn't know where the idea came from.
Anyway, I have clear evidence of prior art predating the filing date of US6563040, Oct 11, 2001. by about 4 months.
I don't claim my idea was a "True Invention". I call it a "Personal Invention". I mean. I did think it up myself but didn't pursue a patent.
Duane C. Johnson [email protected]Is my mount prior art for that patent? Can I get the patent invalidated?