I'm working on my own product which will be an web application (what it is or do doesn't matter for this question).
I watch a lot of Shark Tank (and kind a like) and always hear lines like "Do you got a patent?", "My patent is in progress" or "Because you don't have a patent, I'm out.". Also I read a lot on the Internet of patent wars between tech companies and that there are even troll patent companies that create new bs patents every day.
This makes me a little uneasy because I don't know that much about patents and can't really find out on the Internet how to check if an idea/part is patent or what to look out for as a start-up creating software regarding patents.
So my questions are;
- How serious are patents in web applications?
- Is a application in whole patented or smaller pieces of it (I.E. the buy - process).
- How can I know that I'm in enemy teritory?
- Any tips are welcome!