For example, let's say you invented Git. And you want to make Git completely open source. But at the same time you want to build GitHub, and patent GitHub.
I assume you first have to write a patent for GitHub, which will have to first explain how Git works. But Git is not technically a "prior art" in this case because it hasn't been invented yet. Basically you are inventing Git first, and then GitHub, but trying to secure the GitHub model in the same patent.
How would one go about handling this case?
One scenario I can think of is you could patent the entire Git and GitHub model and then later open source Git with a non revokable and completely open license, but keeping the patent attached. Or, you could clarify in the patent you are only claiming the GitHub model and not the Git model, even though the Git model is explained. But I am thinking maybe there are other ways. What would be the best way?
I'm only using Git and GitHub as an example to illustrate the situation more concretely, not really saying I'm trying to do anything like that obviously.