An over-broad, ALLOWED patent attempting to patent all dynamic selection of caller id's when used in any-type of call center.
QUESTION Have you seen anything published prior October 20, 2005 discussing selecting, replacing, or choosing the best caller id for a particular communication, especially when the caller id is selected, replaced or choosen based on other crieteria (such as the destination number or other information known about the person being called).
Title: System and method for modifying communication information (mci)
Summary: A system for sending a call where the caller id is selected based on known information about the caller (either geographic or otherwise).
Publication Number: US 20130070918 A1
Publication Type: Allowed Patent
Application Number: US 13/676,546
Seeking prior art pre October 20, 2005
A system for handling an outbound call from a call originator to a call target, the > system comprising:
a database storing a plurality of outgoing telephone numbers, each outgoing telephone number having one of two or more area codes; and
an information processor controlled by the call originator and configured to:
a. process a trigger comprising at least an area code of a telephone number of the call target;
b. select from the database a telephone number from the plurality of outgoing telephone numbers where the selected telephone number has at least an area code the same as the area code of the telephone number of the call target;
c. set caller identification data of the outbound call to the selected telephone number; and
d. transmit the caller identification data to the call target in connection with the outbound call.
To me this seems like basically a look up table for caller id's based on some parameters.
Note that the patent has been allowed by USPTO. Under the AIA it is not be possible to submit prior art under the pre-grant process used by Ask Patents. Prior art which is found below would need to submitted under the six-month post-grant process or the ex-parte rexamination process. (This could be done by a company or an individual.)