In reference to the patent: USD259587
Ways to figure out the current legal ownership status of patent?
In reference to the patent: USD259587
Ways to figure out the current legal ownership status of patent?
Patents are rights which can be transferred from one entity to another. After assignment of such rights its important to notify patent office about such assignments. for US Patent these assignments are listed in Assignment database. you are recommended to read help on how to search
Another way to find such information is to look into PUBLIC PAIR assignment Tab.
for example this patent application PAIR
DRAWBACK:- Sometime reporting of assignment is not done then such changes wont be listed in database. In such case your best bet will be News or paid databases.
Publication number USD259587 S
Publication type Grant
Application number US 06/001,968
Publication date Jun 16, 1981
Filing date Jan 8, 1979
Inventors Philip E. Jergenson
Original Assignee Proto Plant Inc.
Export Citation BiBTeX, EndNote, RefMan
This patent is long expired. It is a design patent, which are only valid for 14 years, and it issued in 1981.
It was owned by Proto Plant, Inc. as can be seen at the link at Google Patents.