As a general rule of thumb, what would be the main approach/advantages to designing a series of secondary patents, all based on a broad initial patent, but which are themselves more specific to certain use-cases/industries over having a long claims list in the initial patent? This, while the initial and subsequent patents being owned by the same inventor(s)?
An example : an inventor is granted a Patent over a process of making a wheel turn. He/she then files two more patents, both of which utilize that same process, but where one describes a method for generating electricity instead of turning a wheel, and the second describes a method for powering a saw mill (to cut timber).
Why submit these two extra patents over submitting just the initial one with these use-cases as claims?
If this approach is more advantageous, how would an inventor refer to the initial patent without re-writing everything?
Context: Basing this on a real-life case I'm studying concerning sports tracking equipment.