Say I have a drawing of the internal workings of the invention in FIG 2. FIG 2 contains references to various main elements/sub-elements. There is also FIG 1 which is an overview of the whole invention. Part of this overview includes the internal workings shown in FIG 2, the rest refers to other described main elements/sub-elements. FIG 2 is a relatively complex block diagram and as I see it there are three choices.
- reproduce FIG 2 in FIG 1; I would rather not as it would greatly complicate FIG 1 (in fact the circuitry shown in FIG 2 is used more than once in FIG 1). It might also be confusing.
- reference the whole of FIG 2 in FIG 1 with, say, a blank box annotated with "FIG 2".
- enclose all of FIG 2 in a box (dashed-lines) and annotate with a reference numeral. Then use this reference numeral (instead of FIG 2) on a blank box in FIG 1.
I would think this could be a common problem, but have not found any patent drawings which reference a whole figure in another figure. So, maybe it's not possible to do this. Thanks!