I have a design for a modified sensored blushless dc motor and a method to control this modified motor. This modification along with the control method improves the BLDC motors power density, torque profile, and efficiency while only slightly increasing the cost of the motor. The problem I have is the fact that I do not have the resources to develop this system or get it patented. I am currently doing a prior art search(which I'm most likely doing wrong), and I am getting about 17k patent results in espacenet using the keywords "hall sensor brushless dc motor". So far, I am only on the 200th... where can I learn about how can I improve doing patent searching or who can I ask to assist me with patent search for free(cause I'm broke)?
My current plan is to finish the prior search, get a patent license, then find a sensored BLDC manufacturer to sell my designs to. A plan that I'm not even sure is viable or sound. What I really want is to get my research funded so I can develop the system myself because I love working on bldc motors. Anyways, what should I do?