Questions tagged [enforcement]

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2 answers

Enforcing production process patents

I saw today that Ransom E. Olds patented the stationary assembly line. However, I wonder how you would enforce a patent like this unless an employee of your competitor defected. Straight off the top ...
Avatrin's user avatar
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3 answers

How are patents to "a second medical use" enforced?

As I understand it, the EPO allows claims to a second medical use of a known substance. These claims are not the same as the formerly used "Swiss-type claims" that were drawn to the use and ...
George White's user avatar
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How would you find someone with expertise on selling to Patent Assertion Entities?

I've tried googling all sorts of different sentences trying to find information on PAEs. Nothing that comes up is of any use. Here is my situation: My patent was granted in 1 country, pending in ...
zunior's user avatar
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patent enforcement when patent lapses

If a patent lapses for failure to pay maintenance fees, can the owner still sue for infringement for the time period before the patent lapsed. In answering, consider when a patent expires after its ...
john's user avatar
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2 answers

When an unnecessary inventor is listed in EP & US patent

In the US and EP, if an unnecessary inventor who has not contributed to the invention at all is listed as one of the inventors, can it be invalidated, challenged, or restricted exercise? In this case,...
Jeen's user avatar
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2 answers

Patent enforcement in a market with only private users and no commercial entities

Here is a patent of charcoal as hydroponic substrate. How can the owner practically protect his rights against infringement by private gardeners? Will he go around looking into people's pots and then ...
user1876484's user avatar
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US expired but active WIPO application enforceable in US?

I am curious about this patent having an active application with WIPO, but expired with the US. Although I believe this patent is non-novel and infringes upon previous patents, is this patent ...
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