Questions tagged [examination]

This tag is for questions relating to the examination process of intellectual property right applications. For questions regarding patentability please include the patentability tag. Please also include the relevant tag for the kind of protection - invention patent, utility model or design patent.

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Does the classification process of an innovation have to be done by an examiner before he/she select the prior art that'd form an objection on novelty

Good Day to all. I am being challenged by an IP Australia examiner that my innovation lacks subject matter. The examiner however never did classification proceding and presents 4 bits of prior art ...
Mujtaba Attia's user avatar
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When would a reference listed on the patent not be considered for determination of prior art?

In a US patent (re)examination, under what circumstances would a reference not be considered for the determination of prior art, when that reference is cited by the examiner, appears on the front page ...
fgrieu's user avatar
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