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5 votes
2 answers

Possible US patent infringement and German company

We are currently trying to set up a startup that sells a software product online. The software can be downloaded worldwide and paid for via Paypal. Our company is a limited liability company based in ...
Ra_'s user avatar
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3 votes
2 answers

Can a new use for an existing invention be patented in Germany?

Imagine the following scenario: There is an technology which I didn't invent. But I have an idea of how to use this technology, in a special way to improve or extend a different product, which also ...
patentNewbie's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Proper title of Zuse patent submission Z23624

Consider the Zuse computer patent submission Z23624, available from the Konrad Zuse Internet Archive. The title of the ZIA ID 0177 in is Patentanmeldung Z23624 "...
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2 answers

Should a patent claim (all) possible applications?

Do I have to claim future applications of an intervention? Do I need an application at all? In this article it is written: Zwar wird in Patentanmeldungen üblicherweise nur eine Erfindung beschrieben, ...
Ben's user avatar
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2 answers

Does the number of a feature play a role?

Does the number of (embodiments) of a feature play a role? Let's consider a chair: The prior state is a three-legged chair. Is a chair with four legs patentable? The prior state is a four-legged ...
Ben's user avatar
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1 answer

Meeting and novelty

Case A: Company A and B begin cooperating with each other and in a meeting, company A discloses an invention to discuss and move further. Case B: Company A and B sign a NDA and do the same. Is any of ...
Ben's user avatar
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1 answer

Patenting at universities: What is the best strategy?

I'm a postdoc at a university and made an invention I think could be patentable. I may want to use it for a startup in the future (likely in the US), and would like to have patent protection before ...
user449277's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

How to search for granted German patents, and not published German patent applications?

I would like to find all granted German patents owned by a certain company. When I ran a Basic Search on depatisnet, the returned results were all published patent applications in Germany, but not ...
KAE's user avatar
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1 answer

Patent issued in USA only, infringing patent issued in Germany

My patent was filed as an EPO originating in the USA and it took almost five years to prosecute. It has ultimately resulted in award of USA patent only. Two questions... 1) is there any jurisdiction ...
Inventor333's user avatar
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1 answer

I made an invention at work (maybe). What do I need to know?

I had an idea for an invention at work, briefly discussed it with collegues and my boss said "write it up and send it to so-and-so" - which I'm about to do. Maybe what I invented is already SOTA ...
mart's user avatar
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