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how to write a claim for this attachment

suppose I have two vertical panels that was attached with each other as image attached, could I write below. one vertical edge of the panel attached to another panel surface by appropriate meanings ...
cmabill's user avatar
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Software invention with multiple aspects and method

In a software invention, if you describe two or more aspects of the invention. Are those aspects referred to as methods or they are defined as the method of the invention which cannot be divided. ...
Rick James's user avatar
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Two aspects of the same invention and one aspect is not unique

Ok, so suppose I have an iOS patentable application. The app consists of two components let us name them Com1 and Com2. Com1 is simply a normal means of input that takes input from the user of the app ...
Rick James's user avatar
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Software invention with two components

So, assume I have an iOS application with two components. Let us call those C1 and C2. C1 takes input from the user and does some calculations then stores it for C2 to do more calculations and display ...
Rick James's user avatar
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To patent a technology on a smart device and a yet to be made apparatus

I am reading on some patents and I want to make sure I understand them right. Let us follow my example which is a custom vibrator. I have no plans on making a patent over it, I am just using it as an ...
Lynn B.'s user avatar
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Tips on how to get software patent application approved

What are some tips to get software patent application approved by USPO? I'm responsible for the software development at a startup, and to protect our Intellectual Property I need to submit multiple ...
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