Questions tagged [patent-drawings]

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what if a single figure is too large to be put in one sheet?

When drafting an application, what if a single figure is too large to be put in one sheet? Can I just divide the single figure into two or more sheets? and how? I have searched this question in MPEP, ...
J. Kung's user avatar
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7 answers

What is the best free reliable patent drawing software?

Does anyone have any patent drawing experience? I'm looking to do it on my own and I figure there's some decent software out there somewhere. Thanks.
user827304's user avatar
2 votes
3 answers

Can I use microsoft Paint for drawings?

I am going to apply for a new Motor patent. I will only use electrical circuit schemes and drawings to explain it. Does microsoft paint suit for drawings? I know I have to use vectoral drawings but I ...
Alper91's user avatar
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Does USPTO accept a sequential diagram?

I used to use a sequential diagram for a process flow between multiple components, but have never seen it in patent documents. Is it not allowed? Below is just an example of sequential diagram
Won's user avatar
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Is there a standard for reference characters in a figure with multiple identical instances of some object?

Is there a standard for reference characters in a figure with multiple instances of some object? For example, if I have a drawing with multiple identical client devices, should they all have a unique ...
jordanpg's user avatar
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Patent terminology: schematic vs diagrammatic views

In a patent application, I ran into a statement that a drawing is "a partially schematic and partially diagrammatic view". I had though that schematic views and diagrammatic views are the same thing: ...
Denis  Kazakov's user avatar
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How many drawings can a patent have?

I'm about to file a USPTO provisional patent in a couple of weeks. Is there any upper limit for the number of drawings I can have in my utility patent?
Giri's user avatar
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Can I reclaim the broken line features in Design application drawings during prosecution?

Received a Obviousness rejection on design application from USPTO. The prior arts are quite close to our design, except a pattern on the bottom view. However, the pattern on the bottom view is in ...
J. Gong's user avatar
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2 answers

Inventive step and how to express multiple solutions to a problem

If an inventive step solves several problems outlined in the background, should you list each problem as an "object of the invention" separately and if so, do you need to address each solution ...
Lochnivar's user avatar
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Can drawings alone act as prior-art for a new invention filed?

Can a drawing by itself count as prior art, or is a text description of the drawing needed as well? For example, fig.9 of US3110626 was used against EP0030192 T204/83. Was this finding appropriate?
Arun Menon's user avatar
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How to represent arbitrary text in a patent drawing

I am doing drawings for my utility patent, which is a computer process that includes some user feedback in text. I don't know and don't want to limit by specifying exactly what the feedback will be, ...
J S's user avatar
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Design Patent - Having all 7 drawings / figures on 1 page

Would it be acceptable to have all the drawings aka "the 7 standard views" for my design patent on a single page if they all fit well. The design is not very big, and I am able to fit all 7 figures on ...
Jeff's user avatar
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Purpose of drawings

Many patented devices have drawing to illustrate physical form to support functional claims. If the device is a data-collection system (using existing non-patentable components): Is the physical ...
gatorback's user avatar
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How do I know if I infringe a patent?

I am developing a 3D modeling application. How can I know what is considered as part of the sketchup patent? The extrude tool is obviously common to all 3D modeling softwares, that makes me think ...
arthur.sw's user avatar
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Is one drawing enough for a business process patent for software algorithm?

I am filing a patent for a software and I am using a patent service. They have given me 1 drawing for my process and I am concerned this may not be enough. It does describe my process but does 1 ...
SupremeA's user avatar
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Do patent drawing lines need to be fully connected?

I'm using Autodesk Inventor, and the perspective drawings look great. However, upon closer inspection, some lines aren't perfectly touching, likely because the part curves and a solid line would be ...
Drakes's user avatar
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USPTO part re-submission

I decided to file a utility patent application myself without an attorney after watching hours of boring youtube videos about the patent and patent process (I don't know how you guys stay awake). I ...
Zuzlx's user avatar
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Drawings & workpiece: What is good practice for showing or not showing an invention in use on a workpiece in a utility patent?

In a utility patent, are there particular good practice rules regarding depicting an invention being used on a workpiece? Should or can the lines of the workpiece be heavier, lighter, solid, broken, ...
Pro Se Hole's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

How to draw patent illustrations?

My current organization provides support in the complete process of taking forward the invention disclosure till the last which is patent filling. But I want some help in drawing patent illustrations ...
user3676305's user avatar
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Why are the pictures not viewable?

In reference to the patent: US20170027219 Hi, I would very much like to see the photos of the actual design of this patent, but cannot find a way to view them despite the method I try. Is it ...
Perry's user avatar
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Embodiment with optional feature vs two separate embodiments?

Suppose I've invented a hoverboard (Claim 1) and furthermore it can optionally have wheels that can be lowered for effect (Claim 2 reciting the machine of Claim 1 further comprising the wheels). One ...
bhuff36's user avatar
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Can reference characters refer to both singulars and plurals in the description?

Suppose a drawing contains a (single) thing labeled with a reference character, for example, "Client Device 102." Is it proper to later refer to the client device using a plural? For ...
jordanpg's user avatar
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Drawing quality after the PTO gets done with them

I have a Design patent and a Provisional patent in play at the moment. I looked at the progress in PAIR for both and things seem to be hunky dory. I decided to have a look at the drawings portion in ...
JSH's user avatar
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2 answers

How can I get a high-definition version of drawings from USPTO patents?

The version of drawings from USPTO patents that I could find are low-quality, e.g. from US20220138425A1: How can I get a high-definition version of drawings from USPTO patents?
Franck Dernoncourt's user avatar
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Can a patent drawing have numbers like 6A02, 6A04 etc?

My patent specification has around 20 chapters and each chapter has multiple drawings. My drawings are numbered like this. FIG. 1A, FIG. 1B, FIG. 2A etc. i.e. If Chapter 2 has only 2 drawings, then ...
PrivateUser's user avatar
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Restrictions regarding drawings

My patent mentor has advised me to utilize the NOLO "Patent pending in 24 hours" to learn how to craft a provisional patent. The drawings are simple traditional black and white sketches. Is there ...
gatorback's user avatar
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What are the rules for drawing a system diagram in patent drawings?

I've made drawings to my patent application, presenting exemplary embodiment of a distributed network of nodes. I have few questions: Must the system diagrams, illustrating nodes in distributed ...
Leandro's user avatar
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3 answers

Is there any reason not to use Powerpoint for Application Drawings?

An invention has no circuits or mechanical engineering drawings, there are however maps of how to deploy sensors and maps to for sequential data flow & processing. Is there any reason not to use ...
gatorback's user avatar
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Color and shading in patent application?

It seems USPTO allows shading but, for example, the Chinese's counterpart doesn't. So what is the best way to do drawing internationally? I.e. if the application with shaded drawing is filed in the ...
user2174870's user avatar
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Are drawings showing the use with the invention and without one for comparison acceptable?

Is it acceptable to use a drawing that shows the invention alongside the current state of the art where the invention is not used. In case where such drawing would make the claims more clear? E.g. ...
Stpn's user avatar
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Patent drawings for software

I intend to file a Provisional Patent Application for the system and methods in my software and would like to then turn it into a non-provisional patent later on. This is my first time ever applying ...
Eli Serrano's user avatar
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How to number the parts in the drawings?

How to number the parts in the drawings? is there any tools available for the same for maintaining uniformity?
Sivasankaran Kannan's user avatar
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What's the difference between figure and drawing in patent grant?

USPTO patent grant bulk-data contains two fields number-of-figures and number-of-drawings. Figures number is always higher or same. So, I guess that drawings is a sub-set of figures. I have looked on ...
I'm Root James's user avatar
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2 answers

In drawings, should a repeated pattern but on two different sides of a device have different numbers?

In drawings for a utility patent application, if you have a measurement index pattern repeated on two sides of a tool. Each side is shown in the drawings. Should each index set have a different number ...
Pro Se Hole's user avatar
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Modern Design Patent Drawings without Shading? - Example

I have been researching design patent drawings, and from what I read they typically have to be shaded, I just found an example of the GoPro Karma Drone Battery, and it appears to have no shading. Can ...
Jeff's user avatar
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Annotating two portions connected by construction - Brake lines? Dotted Lines?

Good evening all, How do you distinguish in a drawing two different "features" you want to separately annotate if they are one piece? i.e. "A head portion homogeneously connected by construction to ...
Lochnivar's user avatar
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How to draw hierarchical structures?

Think of an electronic system. It contains many blocks. The lowest level block contains many other structures (Transistors, opamps, capacitors etc.) that one page is nearly enough for it to be fit ...
Alper91's user avatar
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Where are the drawings for wo2004066851a2

I have an invention that I want to patent, but it sounds similar to wo2004066851a2. I'm hoping that the drawings of wo2004066851a2 will be helpful to me in figuring out whether this is what I am ...
Rafael Sirkis's user avatar
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When will the patent office change for free the drawing published on an application?

I filed a US patent application in February and requested early publication. The patent application was just published, and the drawing on the cover page is not the one I suggested. In fact, the ...
Daanii's user avatar
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artwork missing from US9476133

In reference to the patent: US9476133 Hi, I am Brian Gilman you can email me at [email protected]. I viewed my patent and noticed the artwork was missing. Can your group update the artwork? ...
Brian Gilman's user avatar