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Questions tagged [public-pair]

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Developing a software module to access USPTO Private Pair for my firm

I was told USPTO does not provide API for accessing their Private Pair data. However, I understand that a few docking software available claim that they are access USPTO Private Pair with the right ...
Gean's user avatar
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Public Pair: change of applicant - when will the tab "application data" be updated?

I have a question regarding a change of applicant filed with the USPTO. We have filed said assignment document in January 2019(!). This assignment document will be displayed in tab "Assignments&...
Florian's user avatar
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No link to referenced provisonal in Public Pair database: Does the provisional not exist?

I'm used to being able to look up referenced provisionals in the Public Pair database by clicking on the link over their application number under the "Continuity Data" tab. However, I've come across ...
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