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Questions tagged [social-networking]

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Would I violate this patent?

Patent US2016294759 protects A computer-implemented method comprising: synchronizing with an email service and receiving an email message via a data network; parsing content of the received email ...
Horst Mueller's user avatar
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How to meet other inventors?

I want to meet some inventors to see if the career if for me. Where could I go to meet some of them? I have tried Reddit, Discord, and Meetup.
Dale's user avatar
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Mobile application Social network module patents

There are so many social networking apps available in AppStore and PlayStore. Almost all the modules and features are same in all those apps (like feedpage, photos/videos upload, chatting, etc). So If ...
Arun's user avatar
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3 answers

Social Networking - Tracking product recommendations through a URL forwarding service (Microsoft) - Patent Application - PRIOR ART REQUEST

AN OVERBROAD PATENT ON employing a forwarding service to track online recommendations - This application from Microsoft seeks to patent the idea of...Tracking online product recommendations by ...
Micah Siegel's user avatar
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Social Shopping - Asking friends for shopping advice online (Turnto Network) - Patent Application - PRIOR ART REQUEST

AN OVERBROAD PATENT ON asking friends for advice while shopping - This application from Turnto Network seeks to patent the idea of...Displaying, to a user who is engaged in a commercial activity on an ...
Micah Siegel's user avatar
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Real-time social networking - Social networking within an organization (SAP) - Patent Application - PRIOR ART REQUEST

AN OVERBROAD PATENT ON exploring social connections from an in-memory database - This application from SAP seeks to patent the idea of...Identifying an attribute in a profile associated with a first ...
Micah Siegel's user avatar
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Social Networks - Determining sentiments expressed in social media content (Metavana) - Patent Application - PRIOR ART REQUEST

AN OVERBROAD PATENT ON determining user opinions related to a product or service from online contents - This application from Metavana seeks to patent the idea of...Identifying keywords from social ...
Micah Siegel's user avatar
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Google has pending patent on my idea. What to do?

TizzToday is a news sharing social network which filters news based on their social importance. It allows users to connect all their social networks (facebook, twitter, linkedin, google+) to ...
user7493's user avatar
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Online content - Using social media data to measure sentiment for a product - Patent Application - PRIOR ART REQUEST

AN OVERBROAD PATENT ON determining the shareability of online content and generating customer relevance scores - This application from a few independent social media "experts" seeks to patent the idea ...
Micah Siegel's user avatar
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Patenting PRISM - Classifying Mobile Users Based on Social Analysis of Who calls Whom (Ericsson) - Patent Application - PRIOR ART REQUEST

AN OVERBROAD PATENT ON classifying mobile users based on who they call in a network - This application from Ericsson seeks to patent the idea of...Social network analysis applied to mobile phones......
Micah Siegel's user avatar
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7 answers

Social Networking - Processing User Contact Information (Renren) - Patent Application - PRIOR ART REQUEST

AN OVERBROAD PATENT ON SOCIAL NETWORKING - This application from Renren (China) seeks to patent the idea of...initiating social network services between two users based on contact information! 10 ...
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