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Related to procedures between the patent holder and the patent offices, opposing a patent before grant and similar questions. (The only way to do that is a Third Party Observation (TPO), so please include that tag if your question is about opposing a patent application.)

2 votes

CALL FOR PRIOR ART: 3D Printing application "Ribbon Filament and Assembly for Use in Extrusi...

The process of plastic welding (quite related to 3D printing) has used plastic welding ribbon that is a flat tape for many years. The companies from NZ have used it longest. Here's a web site for …
user3454's user avatar
1 vote

CALL FOR PRIOR ART: 3D Printing application "Ribbon Filament and Assembly for Use in Extrusi...

How about this video? For the ribbon extrusion, one may point out that plastic welding has used non-round or ribbon shaped materials for many years (see this video from 2010: …
user3454's user avatar
2 votes

CALL FOR PRIOR ART: 3D Printing application "Process for Producing Three-dimensionally Shape...

For the plastic sintering, one might argue that plastics and metals have similar oxidation issues. The creation of either a vaccuum or inert atmosphere for selective metal sintering is a must and i …
user3454's user avatar
1 vote

CALL FOR PRIOR ART: 3D Printing application "Additive Manufacturing System and Method for Pr...

The Fab@Home group had a Wiki which had pictures dated in the range of Spring 2007. The Wiki is gone. Perhaps someone could contact the Fab@home group and ask.
user3454's user avatar