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Public Pair: change of applicant - when will the tab "application data" be updated?

Applicant and assignee are not the same thing. To change the applicant you will need to file a "request to take action" from the new assignee and a new ADS. See MPEP 325 Establishing Right ...
George White's user avatar
  • 29.9k
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Can I file a patent application with two applicant corporations?

Yes, It is possible for both the firms to be the applicant for a single invention. They will be considered as joint applicants. Name of both applicants will reflect in the patent if granted.
Swayamprakash Patel's user avatar
1 vote

Can a co-inventor (not the applicant) correspond with the patent office?

The patent office will only communicate with one party. In this case it would be the attorney/agent with the power of attorney. In the case of multiple inventors they can designate one if them to ...
George White's user avatar
  • 29.9k

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