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4 votes

Is it possible to patent a new general method of optimizing some industrial processes?

A U.S. answer. Some things in the field you describe are patentable in the U.S. and some are not. Unfortunately, above novelty and non-obviousness, the current huge hurdle is abstractness. The law on ...
George White's user avatar
  • 29.9k
3 votes

Is it possible to patent a new general method of optimizing some industrial processes?

My answer refers to European patent practice. Most probably you will not be able to get a patent granted for the method/algorithm if you do not refer it to a particular industrial application. Without ...
the Europeist's user avatar
2 votes

Can I patent a sports prediction model?

My guess is that depending on the jurisdiction, yes you can patent an algorithm to predict sports outcomes. Whether you should is a different question. Eighteen months after you file an application it ...
Eric S's user avatar
  • 11.6k
2 votes

Combining 2 inventions risk

You can try to combine them into one patent but the patent authority may not allow you to. If you do, you should have separate claims covering each function. As long as there are separate claims, no ...
Eric S's user avatar
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1 vote

Can a company who has released a product before another be asked to remove it because of a posterior patent?

Companies don't just register patents. Patents are applied for. The process can take three or more years. Once filed, a patent examiner will evaluate the application to determine if it is 1) useful, 2)...
Eric S's user avatar
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where will I find some data on how many patents are filed in each country over the last 10-15 years, in lifesciences?

According to the CPC classification, which is used by the EPO and USPTO, you may find groups of classification that fits into lifesciences, namely the group C (Chemestry). There is no specific ...
Aónio's user avatar
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where will I find some data on how many patents are filed in each country over the last 10-15 years, in lifesciences?

I think any of the usual patent search sites may be able to help with this. I particularly like The Lens, but or would do as well. The secret ...
Eric S's user avatar
  • 11.6k
1 vote

Is the CoHOG algorithm patented?

To answer your question, yes the patent application you cited has been granted as US8428353 issued in 2013. Since the cited paper is behind a paywall, it is hard to assess whether it is sufficient ...
Eric S's user avatar
  • 11.6k

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