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2 votes

using "examples" in the specifications to give concrete teachings but not be limited to them

The claim should include a step 1 that can be accomplished in any[ ]way. Ah, that old chestnut. Well let's get away from software for a moment and consider the scope of a claim including a "...
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Why do some patents include verbatim copies of the claims as filed in the description?

It seems there is a technique of including an English prose version of the claims in the summary in order to "guarantee" that "antecedent basis" is provided for the claim terms: ...
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Why do some patents include verbatim copies of the claims as filed in the description?

This is a common practice with some patent drafters. It resulted from some judges taking “the summary of the invention” section as limiting the claims. A few years ago the term patent profanity was ...
George White's user avatar
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1 vote

The tense in Examples in a patent application

I do not do chemical patents but have seen "substantially free of XYZ", and "not containing XYZ").You would not use "did not" in a claim ever. If "did" was used in the specification it would imply an ...
George White's user avatar
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