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What does it mean if a patent's status is expired and grant?

The first date (2002-06-17) is the filing date, US10173363 is the application number. The second date (2003-03-04) is the date of issuance of the patent, and US6529620B1 is the patent number. And, ...
chempatent1981's user avatar
2 votes

US20140312193A1 Is this an expired PPA or a non provisional patent?

Before we answer the question, you should be aware that the cited application US20140312193A1 is a full patent application and not a provisional application. Patent applications don't expire. Rather ...
Eric S's user avatar
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Can I manufacture an expired item (fee related) without infringement?

Maybe - Your actions while it is in an expired state will not be infringement but it may be a short ride if the patent is revived. The owner can petition to revive it by paying the fee and penalties. ...
George White's user avatar
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English translation of Belgian Patent BE629083 needed

Google Patents does its very best to automatically translate patents such as this. Here is that page.. Unfortunately the original document is a very poor scan of a poorly printed and very technical ...
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Are these patents still active? WO2010105586A1 and KR200297240Y1

It looks like the Korean application never became a patent and the WO number is for the PCT application. PCT applications need to enter the national stage in one or more countries to actually become a ...
George White's user avatar
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is the 21+3 blackjack side wager patent still active for Galaxy gaming

There are a surprising number of patents related to poker side bets. Based on my Googling, I'm guessing the patent you are referring to is US6012719A. It has a priority date of 7-22-1994 and was ...
Eric S's user avatar
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Patent valid or expired?

That patent was issued in 1979 and expired 17 years later. The rules changed in 1995 and now patents expire 20 years from their priority date which is usually the filing date.
Eric S's user avatar
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Expired Patent can we apply for a new patent with similar idea

It really depends on whether your similar idea has new, non-obvious idea as part of it. If so, you might be able to get patent coverage for the new and presumably improved part. What is covered by the ...
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