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2 votes

Where can I find an overview of patent cost including maintenance fees?

It is complicated but the data is there. Take the U.S. example. The USPTO publishes a fee schedule, but they can change the amounts over time. There is a window to pay each of the fees (at 3.5, 7.5 ...
George White's user avatar
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When is my next patent maintenance fee due?

You can find this out on the US Public Pair site. According to Pair, your next fee first day to pay date is 11/16/2021. The surcharge date is 05/17/2022 and your last day to pay date is 11/16/2022.
Eric S's user avatar
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2 votes

Approximate Time for USPTO actions

It takes about 6 weeks from payment of issue fee until the patent issues. IF you wait to the last minute to pat the issue fee, the patent will probably issue in fewer weeks. In the U.S. there are no ...
George White's user avatar
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Are there annuities to be paid prior to patent grant but to maintain the patent application in the United States?

Not like most countries. Many countries require annual payments to keep a patent application alive while it is pending and then more annual payments to keep a patent in force. They are called ...
George White's user avatar
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Is it safe to sell a patented product that is expired due to fee and the anticipated expiration of the patent is in 2 years from now

It would be best if you were to list the actual patent number so we could check your interpretation. That said, if it is a Japanese patent and there is no US equivalent then it should not impact your ...
Eric S's user avatar
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