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Coverage and risk of ImageWare patents

There is no definitive answer to your question. The simple suggestion is that you might want to consider consulting with your attorney. But, unfortunately, it is highly unlikely that even attorney ...
Andrew C.'s user avatar
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4 votes

What's obvious when there really is no good prior art?

A similar Rovi/Tivo lawsuit against Netflix concluded with all patents ruled invalid under 101 (non-patentable subject matter). This decision was rendered based on an investigation of the patents ...
user1400786's user avatar
3 votes

What is the best strategy to avoid patent tyranny?

Why do you consider this patent tyranny. Someone came up with the idea before you. They spent the time and money to obtain a patent to protect it. The fact that you are a non-profit doesn't mean you ...
Eric S's user avatar
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3 votes

Coverage and risk of ImageWare patents

You also must consider the DOZENS of subsequent patents that reference this patent as prior art. The are very large players Honeywell, NEC, Sony, Samsung & Raytheon among others too that have ...
3dalliance's user avatar
2 votes

Understanding Kamatani Cloud US 6873940 patent class combination and patent applicability to cloud services

Unified patents has petitioned for inter parties review of this patent. After rejecting General Patent Corp's preliminary response, the USPTO has granted the inter parties review (as of Oct 10, 2017)....
Joshua Finnegan's user avatar
2 votes

What is the best strategy to avoid patent tyranny?

Patent litigation is often described as "ruinously expensive" to pursue, thus there generally must be some financial incentive. My take on the advice given by your legal experts is that because you ...
DukeZhou's user avatar
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1 vote

Non-novel/non-inventive patent of subcomponent of device that was already previously patented?

I see that the patent US 10561392B2 claims " . . . a miniaturized rectangular prism having at its bottom side two slots for passing two scanning laser beams and two visible light beams to two targeted ...
George White's user avatar
  • 29.9k
1 vote

Some patent cases where a patent troll lost the lawsuit How about this one? And: "Uniloc, perhaps best known as Patent Troll in Chief, ...
3dalliance's user avatar

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