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Downloading XML for USPTO patents

You can also try USPTO Bulk Data. Enter your patent number in corresponding refine field. After filtering patents press Request download (XML).
Andrew C.'s user avatar
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Why do patent description contains serial numbers like [0001], [0002] etc?

These are paragraph numbers. They are considered good practice to include since they aid referencing portions of the description, but are not mandatory. They are described in a extremely detailed ...
Maca's user avatar
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Any Chance the USPTO will accept 3D Models as Digital Prototypes in the future?

Not an answer. Just comment too long to fit the comment section. Such feature won't be seen as essential or even necessary. When studying patents, I sometimes feel that "Geeze, I need a 3D model to ...
daniel's user avatar
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How can the difference between "Priority Date" and "Filing Date" be greater than 1 year?

It is likely you are seeing the effects of a continuation (or divisional, outside of the US). The continuation retains the priority date of its parent, but has a much later filing date. By way of ...
Maca's user avatar
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3 votes

How should I patent my behavioral bio-metric identification idea in the US or Europe?

We are confused where to register the patent? US or Europe? Patents are territorial. If you want to prevent competitors from using your invention in the US, then you'll need a US patent. If you want ...
Maca's user avatar
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Grant patent's front page item (72) inventor

For item (72), every inventor’s name follows a city name and brackets with a two-letter country code. Does the city and country indicate the place inventor lives and the country which the city ...
RishiM's user avatar
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Can a continuation be sold separately from the parent patent?

Yes, absolutely, as long as there is not a terminal disclaimer that ties the applications together. A terminal disclaimer might be required during patent prosecution to avoid a rejection based on ...
George White's user avatar
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Is there any consequences if I don't amend claims properly before the PCT deadline?

The reason why you may want amend your claims pursuant to Art. 19 PCT is to better define your claimed scope for the purpose of provisional protection conferred by the PCT application (in those ...
the Europeist's user avatar
3 votes

Does the USPTO publish example applications?

Regarding examples - The USPTO lets anyone with an internet connection look at every application filed in the last 30 years or so that was published and/or resulted in a patent. All back and forth ...
George White's user avatar
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Why do few US patents have reference numbers in the abstract and claims?

In most of the world reference numbers are required in the claims and encouraged in the abstract. Reference numbers in claims are rarely seen in U.S. patents. It is not overly paranoid to think a ...
George White's user avatar
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Meaning of election and elected/nonelected species

Approximately correct - the species elected and not elected are typically sub-classes of categories of inventions to be claimed. This will encompass some embodiments in each grouping but your ...
George White's user avatar
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Obtaining a document cited by the examiner of a US patent

A few years ago publishers of academic journals complained to the USPTO that the whole process of patent prosecution involved much unauthorized copying of their products. In response the USPTO ...
George White's user avatar
  • 29.9k
2 votes

How to get a patent or patent application permalink at the USPTO website?

Here at last is the new link syntax:{patentnumber} Example: More ...
ChristinaE's user avatar
2 votes

Can an employee of an European Company (applicant) represent his company before USPTO?

If the applicant is a company (juristic entity), then it may only use a patent practitioner to prosecute the patent application in the US. If the applicant is an individual or group of individuals, ...
Patent Pending Guide's user avatar
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"Designated countries for regional patents"

Designated countries only applies to PCT applications, not to US applications. Designated countries are those states in which a PCT application may subsequently enter national or regional phase. That ...
Maca's user avatar
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Retrieve US patents claims

You should take a look at patent_client! It's a python module that searches the live USPTO and EPO databases using a Django-style API. The results from any query can then be cast into pandas ...
Parker Hancock's user avatar
2 votes

WIPO patent filing vs US patent?

The answer is money. The single WIPO/PCT application (that, itself, costs more than a U.S. application) just starts an application in 140 some countries. To actually proceed in each location costs ...
George White's user avatar
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Can I link an unregistered eFiling to a new account?

Yes. In a USPTO pdf it states - "Once you have your Customer Number, you must also associate your current patent applications with it. . . . - Download and complete the Customer Number Upload ...
George White's user avatar
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Do you need to file Information Disclosure Statements for US Provisional Apps?

It's more than not necessary. It's not possible. 37 CFR § 1.51(d) provides: Applicants are encouraged to file an information disclosure statement in nonprovisional applications. See § 1.97 and § 1....
Maca's user avatar
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Why become a Registered eFiler?

Yes, you can attach it latter as long as you know the application number and filing date. If you lost that information you might have some hoops to go through to show that it was you that filed.
George White's user avatar
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How long does the US duty of disclosure last?

It lasts until the patent issues, which occurs both after notice of allowance and issue fee payments. See MPEP 2001: The duty to disclose information, however, does not end when an application ...
user132162's user avatar
2 votes

How long does the US duty of disclosure last?

The duty does not end at allowance - From the MPEP 2001.04 Information Under 37 CFR 1.56(a) [R-08.2017] 37 CFR 1.56(a) states that the duty to disclose information exists until the application ...
George White's user avatar
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can foreign company file patent in USPTO without a lawyer?

USPTO permits filing of patent by individual inventor as applicant without patent attorney (lawyer). Company can be assignee and (I am not sure) need to be represented by registered attorney. Refer ...
AD Adhikary's user avatar
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Am I getting a response for Rescission of Previous Nonpublication Request?

Thanks for all the comments. Answering my own question. I first called the number of the Pre-Grant Publication Division at (703)605-4283 according to the SB/36 form, but that number turned out already ...
Yan Li's user avatar
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How to qualify for micro entity status

Let me preface this by saying I am not a lawyer. Looking at this link to the requirements for small and micro-entity status shows two ways to qualify for micro-entity status. Micro entity: There ...
Eric S's user avatar
  • 11.6k
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USPTO patent search database no longer secure over web SSL https

You might try Espacenet, The Lens or PatentScope - all are https
George White's user avatar
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Is there a time limit for filing a Petition to Accept Late Payment of US Patent Issue Fee (37 CFR 1.137(a)?

Is there a time limit in which the Petition to Accept Late Payment of Issue Fee needs to be filed ? No, there is not, in the sense that, no one has jurisdiction to extend time limit beyond the ...
AD Adhikary's user avatar
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Is there any fee for amending claims before the publication in USPTO?

No, there is no fee for filing a claim amendment. The only fees that might pertain to this are excess claim fees. In your scenario you end up at the 20 maximum claims and below the 3 independent ...
George White's user avatar
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