Valuation of Patents
You can spend 10's of thousands of dollars having management consulting firms try to generate models of the patent's values under various assumptions. Since the life of a patent (in the US) is 20 ...
What is the best way to valuate a patent?
Assuming the owner is a publicly traded company, you can look at stock price reaction when a patent is granted or its application published.
If it's a drug patent, you can easily apply DCF using ...
Valuation of Patents
A patent, like anything else that is to be sold is only worth what someone else is willing to pay for it. A patent on a drug that sells a billion dollars of product a year is worth a lot. A patent on ...
Materials for learning about patent litigation and valuation?
“Understanding Global patent litigations through landmark judgements – A litigation ready reckoner” by Dr. Alpesh Pathak is only book i am aware of my be this would be helpful for understanding the ...
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