AN OVERBROAD PATENT ON LOCATING DATA ON A COMPUTER - This application seeks to patent the idea of... locating data for applications on a computer! 10 minutes of your time can help narrow US patent applications before they become patents. Follow @askpatents on twitter to help.
I am not sure whether "locating for application-specific data" can be patentable. This sounds like inventing a wheel.
- Patent: US 20130166517 A1
- Title: Systems and methods for locating application specific data
- Prior Art Date: Seeking prior Art predating December 12, 2012
- Open for Challenge at USPTO: Open through Dec 27, 2013
Claim 1.
A system for locating for application-specific data comprising:
at least one data storage device, having unidentified data stored therein;
at least one processor operatively coupled to the at least one data storage device, the at least one processor configured to:
(i) access unidentified data from at least one data storage device;
(ii) examine the unidentified data to detect at least one application-specific data pattern associated with at least one application;
(iii) for each detected application-specific data pattern, execute an application-specific validation process to determine whether the unidentified data includes valid data associated with a corresponding application; and
(iv) if it is determined that the unidentified data includes valid data associated with the corresponding application, then recover the valid data.
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