Patents US9607415 and US9613446, which I invented and do not understand, appear identical. What is the relationship between these? Are they legally distinct, with one a continuation? Did the lawyers split one application into two patents?
1 Answer
The second one (US9613446) is a continuation of the first one. IF you look at the claims, the second one claims a method and a computer program product while the first one claims a computer, so they have complementary scope of protection.
Maybe the attorneys were not sure about claiming the software parts and the computer in a single patent. (Or any other strategic reason)
So, I can claim two patents for my resume. Did someone say already that software patents are ridiculous? :-) Commented Jul 26, 2018 at 10:33
In general, software patents are getting easier to invalidate and harder to inforce.– George White ♦Commented Jul 26, 2018 at 19:09