The patent US7405443 has been reexamined but the corresponding office action is missing from the file wrapper as well as global dossier.
2 Answers
To find a reexamination record look up the patent application for the issued patent in Public PAIR.
Under the Continuity tab will be a list of child applications (if any) and reexaminations (if any).
When there is a reexamination the prosecution would be done under a new application, Please look for the prosecution history of the reexamination under the application number 90/011,079 it's has the prosecution history.
If you describe how you got this information, then the question becomes useful for other patents too.– Eric SCommented Jun 28, 2019 at 21:41
when its a reexamination the prosecution would be done under a new application , i just looked for the new application number in PAIR.– RishiMCommented Jul 1, 2019 at 3:14
@RishiM_IPR Please add this info to the answer. The idea is to make the answer as useful as possible and not to assume a reader will look at the comments too.– Eric SCommented Jul 1, 2019 at 23:19