My concern is the loss of micro-entity (ME) status on other previous filings due to the 5th ME filing (all gross income). The Rules commentary indicate: "Finally, while being named as an inventor in other applications may affect an applicant’s ability to claim micro entity status in an application, status as a micro entity in one application does not affect the status of other applications." What does this last italicized segment mean?
I take this to mean, (1) if you already have filed 4 ME apps, you are allowed to file a 5th ME app, since at that time of filing, you are NOT listed on more than four previously-filed apps. So after filing the 5th, now you have 5 previously-filed ME apps at the PTO. At this time, you lose ME status under gross income. It seems to me that if you no longer file any additional patent apps, and understanding the above rule clause status as a micro entity in one application does not affect the status of other applications, you do not lose ME status, and should be able to continue to pay ME fees on all five apps to include RCEs, issue fees and maintenance fees, etc.? Is this correct?
If the above is true, when is the Loss of Entity Status form used?