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How can I find patent number 2208003.0?

I am interested in selling a product but an other seller (on their website) claims that this product is patented. I have contacted the seller and he says "Our patent number is 2208003.0. This is ...
Naeem ullah's user avatar
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Scope of a worldwide grant?

Wondering what the scope of a worldwide grant / transfer of all IP, either via an employment contract or explicit transfer is? I ask as a number of countries are not members of the WIPO, others have ...
arober11's user avatar
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First Sale Doctrine applying to physical goods

In an example scenario when a person purchases a 30 pack of Kleenex then makes and sells lunch packs each of which includes a box of Kleenex. Is this person protected by the First Sale Doctrine to ...
yamori's user avatar
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