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Questions tagged [state-of-the-art]

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1 vote
2 answers

How far do I have to go back in time to only be looking at free state of the art patent documents?

I want to do a free state of the art patent search and I wan to know, how far do I have to go back in time to be 100% sure all shown patent documents are free state of the art? Up until now I was ...
2 votes
2 answers

explaining the theory that undergoes an invention in patent description?

I have a question about explaining the theory that undergoes an invention: should it be exposed in patent application (Description) and if yes how? For what I have seen patent documents are not ...
1 vote
1 answer

Prior art for speech detection in a data stream

Looking for prior art dated before 2010 regarding technology that determines that data being received at a mobile phone is speech if an accelerometer in the phone moves in a certain direction. The ...