In reference to the patent: US20130024676
The patent application (with a 2011 date) is too broad and attempts to patent the entire concept of control flow integrity.
There is HUGE previous work which is neither discussed or referenced.
For example, regarding the well known jump-to-libc attacks (but also the more general return-oriented-programming attack), there is this 2006 paper:
"Base Line Performance Measurements of Access Controls For Libraries and Modules." Jason W Kim and Vassilis Prevelakis, Proceedings of the 2nd IEEE International Workshop on Security in Systems and Networks (SSN2006) Rhode Island, Greece, April 2006.
In this paper the code of each library resides in its own address space so direct jumps to or from the main program and libraries or across libraries are impossible (as the destination address is not mapped in the current address space). In order to jump to a library, the kernel has to be invoked and the appropriate access control policy may be applied to the call in the same way as the OpenBSD systrace system works for system calls.
By segregating the address space into separate regions with access control between them, this system also dramatically reduces the number of targets for ROP attacks (since now ROP can only use the current - active - region instead of the entire code space).