I was just asked if a novel way of applying a known pharmaceutical would be patentable - and I had to admit, I don't know.
As an example, ASS (aspirin) is a known pharmaceutical. The known way of ingesting it includes a pill which is swallowed.
If I found out that crushing said pill and diluting it in water allows introducing the ASS into the body by taking a bath in the pill-water-solution, would that be patentable? And if yes, what aspect of it? Also, I am assuming that diluting a pill in water is not novel, so the patent shouldn't be on a ASS-solution.
Afaik a new use for a known pharmaceutical is patentable, but how about the same use with a different way of ingestion?
Another example - suppose you could apply ASS directly to the brain by laying the pill on your forehead while sleeping - patentable?
And, last question, if diluting a pill in water was known, but not especially for ASS, would the combination of diluting it and taking a bath in it be patentable? I suspect that diluting a pill would be obvious but because of the unexpected performance of doing so and getting the ASS into the body, it might be patentable.