I am filing the CERTIFICATION OF MICRO ENTITY STATUS form. But I don't know where to get the Registration No., which is at the end of the form.
I am doing it by myself for provisional.
I am filing the CERTIFICATION OF MICRO ENTITY STATUS form. But I don't know where to get the Registration No., which is at the end of the form.
I am doing it by myself for provisional.
Are you processing your application through a patent agent or you are processing your own application??
For our company patent applications, the patent agent registration number is being filled in the form. I assume that column applies only when a patent agent is processing the application.
The below is the description quoted from USPTO
The certification of micro entity status forms (Forms PTO/SB/15A and PTO/SB/15B) may only be signed by an authorized party as set forth in 37 CFR 1.33(b). This means that the only parties who may sign a certification of micro entity status form are:
If qualified for micro entity status, joint inventor applicants should sign separate copies of the relevant micro entity certification form(s). An officer of an assignee corporation or organization is not authorized to sign a certification of micro entity status form.