I'm interested in contacting the owner of EP1870511A1. Where can I find information to do so?

I've reviewed "How can I contact the owner of a patent?," but it appears to only cover American patents and applications.

3 Answers 3


To get in touch with the inventor or applicant of a European patent or application you need to accesses the European patent register.


After which open the EP register and click on advanced search https://register.epo.org/advancedSearch?lng=en

Enter EP1870511 in the publication number bracket and you’ll get the results.

Hope this is helpful to you.


To find out EP applicant or inventor or representative communication details you need to visit EP Register.

  1. search european patent in http://worldwide.espacenet.com/?locale=en_EP
  2. access EP register tab on biblographic page

steps are compiled in following image

enter image description here


The application you mention is not a French national application, but a European patent application. The applicant's contact information is available through EPregister:


Also note that the patent was granted with publication number EP 1870511 B1.

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