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Questions tagged [amend]

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2 answers

Can you amend a non-provisional patent application to bring in information from referenced provisional patent applications?

As the title states. Can you amend a non-provisional patent application to bring in information from referenced provisional patent applications? For example: I have a figure in the provisional that ...
XRRX's user avatar
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2 answers

Reply to office action scope

If you reply to office action does the same rules apply as in normal amendments? That is: That is you may not amend beyond the scope of the original body of the specification. You may not amend ...
Deon P Hugo's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

Unintentional Delay Petition Validity - Provisional Expired b/c Embedded Font in PDF problem

Thank you greatly in advance for your time! I am a first time inventor/patent filer who had success using EFS-Web filing a provisional application. A year later, on the anniversary (3 weeks ago), I ...
michaelkkz's user avatar