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Questions tagged [modification]

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2 answers

Does complex process patent protect all of its compontent processes?

So there is a process x that is well known and has an expired patent. The original patent does not specify what materials exactly can this process be used on. Basically, (whatever) -> x -> (anything ...
alexshino's user avatar
-1 votes
1 answer

same product without foil

In reference to the patent: US8317762 Does the patent still hold if the product does not use the same material, and some different ingredients?
nadia sessions's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Is modifying number or merging patents considered adding new element?

I write some provisional patents and I plan to merge them into a single patent application. I need to renumber the figures, merging paragraphs... but not adding any new element. But will it be ...
user2174870's user avatar
1 vote
3 answers

Criteria for patenting an item whose main part uses the design of a patent's part but whose function is diffrent

I visualize a way to modify - but principally leave intact - (only) one component of an existing patented, mult-component, commercial, marketed product whose conceived, intended, advertized, and ...
George J. Robinson's user avatar
0 votes
2 answers

Modification and improvement of a patented product by the user of the product

Can a user of a patented product make changes to the product for their own use (not reselling product) in their business ? From drilling holes to lighten weight or making their own parts for the ...
user7914's user avatar