Patent Troll Alert PCT/US2016/031871
This is not a patent. It is a patent application. It may never become a patent and even if it does, it is very likely the claims will be greatly narrowed. In any case, whatever has been done prior to ...
Is it allowed to include substances in a patent that will not be used in the final product but have very similar characteristics to the one that is?
Yes. There is no legal requirement that an inventor produce a product in the market (or even intend to produce a product in the market) to obtain a patent.
To put it in the terms used in the question, ...
Is it allowed to include substances in a patent that will not be used in the final product but have very similar characteristics to the one that is?
If you knew that a range of alcohols would be effective, then for sure you should try to claim as broadly as possible. You have to be novel and non-obvious and super broad claims might make that more ...
Are these patents unreasonably broad? US20130158984A1, US20130151240A1, US20130198196A1
I only quickly reviewed the patents. The applications you cited are now issued patents: US9087048B2, US9015037B2, US9176957B2. They seem to be specifically aimed at automatic fact checking of posted ...
Only top scored, non community-wiki answers of a minimum length are eligible
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