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21 votes

Is it worth patenting an algorithm if I don't have the money to defend against infringements?

This is a great question, with no one right answer. The strength of a patent comes from the ability to enforce it. If the patent owner cannot enforce it for whatever reason (such as a lack of funding)...
Maca's user avatar
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11 votes

Is it worth patenting an algorithm if I don't have the money to defend against infringements?

My answer is yes, and I agree with Maca. I'll add that your ability to enforce it might change in the future. I'm not implying that your situation is the same as mine, but consider this: In my ...
Pete P's user avatar
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3 votes

Is it worth patenting an algorithm if I don't have the money to defend against infringements?

To my knowledge, depending where you are located, patenting something as abstract as an Algorithm is not even possible (EU). How to tie your laces is an Algorithm. Can you patent it? Hopefully not!
Gewure's user avatar
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Can a patent be invalidated when the inventors later publicly doubt operability and the reliability of reported results?

You haven't said what is actually claimed. But that's what matters. I have assumed that the claims relate to the particular method that you note is described. Enablement requires that the reader can ...
Maca's user avatar
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Is it possible for patents to have trade secrets?

In the U.S. you need to include the "best mode" embodiment of your invention. You might be able to narrowly claim A such that a disclosure sufficient to enable A, alone, does not need to mention B as ...
George White's user avatar
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Is it possible for patents to have trade secrets?

Based on feedback, i'm editing my answer. You are obligated to disclose your invention's best embodiment in the patent application. Thus if A isn't really sufficient without B I'm guessing you ...
Eric S's user avatar
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2 votes

Can a patent be invalidated when the inventors later publicly doubt operability and the reliability of reported results?

If the application is still pending, you may even attempt filing third-party submission (if still possible), and state that the publication is relevant to 101/utility. However, it sounds like this ...
user132162's user avatar
1 vote

How would you find someone with expertise on selling to Patent Assertion Entities?

You don’t need to share with a lawyer any posible profit from suing , you can pay an Intellectual property insurance and it will cover the process (depending on the total insured) Note: it will ...
YOGO's user avatar
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Is it possible for patents to have trade secrets?

It is possible to file a patent application AND retain the ability to treat it as a trade secret. When you file, you need to file a non-publication request. There are downsides in terms of foreign ...
Gary S's user avatar
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Claim Interpretation 35 USC 112

My answer is a no as per MPEP the claims even MPF must also satisfy the requirement of disclosure i.e., 112(a). MPEP 2103.I.C which states "Examiners should begin claim analysis by identifying ...
RishiM's user avatar
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Materials for learning about patent litigation and valuation?

“Understanding Global patent litigations through landmark judgements – A litigation ready reckoner” by Dr. Alpesh Pathak is only book i am aware of my be this would be helpful for understanding the ...
RishiM's user avatar
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Is it worth patenting an algorithm if I don't have the money to defend against infringements?

An algorithm is not patent eligible subject matter. Even if coupled with a generic computer which does nothing, but carry out the algorithm since the Alice-decision of 2014 by the SCOTUS. Software may ...
PatentosPite's user avatar
1 vote

Is it worth patenting an algorithm if I don't have the money to defend against infringements?

Let's say you created a patent, and big company A infringes it. Damn you, big company A. Cease and desist. Big company A laughs at you and says fuck you, you're tiny, we can do whatever we want. ...
johnwbyrd's user avatar
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