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3 votes

Can a patent be invalidated when the inventors later publicly doubt operability and the reliability of reported results?

You haven't said what is actually claimed. But that's what matters. I have assumed that the claims relate to the particular method that you note is described. Enablement requires that the reader can ...
Maca's user avatar
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2 votes

Can a patent be invalidated when the inventors later publicly doubt operability and the reliability of reported results?

If the application is still pending, you may even attempt filing third-party submission (if still possible), and state that the publication is relevant to 101/utility. However, it sounds like this ...
user132162's user avatar
1 vote

To which degree can an earlier but inoperable invention still be seen as prior art?

A late answer - It is the description in the earlier application that is the prior art, not specially the claims. The description is said to be "good for what it teaches" independent of the ...
George White's user avatar
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