Should I patent my idea before posting it on public internet forums? Could someone who sees my post beat me to it?

  • 5
    What is your goal? Generate licensing revenue? Protect yourself against trolls? Protect yourself against competitors?
    – Luis
    Commented Sep 21, 2012 at 19:07

8 Answers 8


Getting a patent is an expensive process that takes several years. If you wait to get a patent first, then it's likely to be old and irrelevant by the time you post it. If you're planning on patenting an idea, it's best to not disclose anything about it in public. Aside from the potential of someone stealing your idea, you risk limiting your ability to patent it later.

The U.S. is a 'first to file' system, meaning that someone can steal your idea and file an application before you. There is a thing called a "provisional patent application" that lets you "lock in" a submission date for an idea and use the term "patent pending". If you decide to file a full patent application, the date you submitted the provisional application is used as the submission date for the patent. This can give you more time to put together a full patent application without worrying about someone jumping in and beating you to it.

  • 2
    What about things that already in the public domain ? I thought it wasn't possible to patent those.
    – UncleJack
    Commented Sep 21, 2012 at 8:15
  • 1
    "The U.S. is a 'first to file' system, meaning that someone can steal your idea and file an application before you." This is a sadly common misconception. If you steal someone's idea, you are not an "inventor" in the sense of U.S. law.
    – user1053
    Commented Sep 21, 2012 at 19:49
  • 3
    @Nase- You're assuming that the true inventor can prove that they invented the invention first. Many people (especially individuals and small companies) don't keep adequate records to be able to go back and prove that sort of thing in a review hearing. With the "America Invents Act of 2011" changing the US to a first-to-file system (instead of first-to-invent), I suspect that it will be even easier to patent someone else's idea. The safest course of action is to keep the invention to yourself until you have at least filed a provisional patent application.
    – bta
    Commented Sep 21, 2012 at 20:46
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    What was the reason for the US changing to first-to-file system?
    – TMOTTM
    Commented Nov 23, 2013 at 22:31
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    Read the new 35 USC 102(a) and 102(b) of the AIA. You publishing, an intervening third party applying for a patent and a subsequent filing by you makes the intervening third party application an exception to its status as 102(a) art under 102(b). Though it is first-INVENTOR-to-file, user1053 is correct in his or her assertion that the intervening application would not have an "inventor" and thus not qualify for patent protection. You can publish as long as you file a non-provisional application within a year of the publication and receive a patent for a useful, novel and non-obvious invention.
    – user8740
    Commented May 31, 2014 at 5:06

I've been granted 3 provisional Patents and it cost me an arm and a leg - over $20,000 (this was in 1998 and 1999). Unless you have money to burn I offer my personal advice:

Using snail mail I post a letter via registered post to myself with the idea and get people I discuss the idea with to sign Non-Disclosure Agreements. I never open the registered letters; I keep them all in my safe. This way if someone beats me/you to it and you (or your attorney) are monitoring Patent applications, you have evidence to show the Patent Office it is not new.

Never put a good idea up on a forum. Thats one way RedGate use to come up with new products.

I discuss Provisional Patents here

My answer is you should register post a letter containing the idea to yourself, include pics, videos, documents diagrams etc and mail them to yourself. Then get any Venture Capitalist to sign an NDA, then get funding to apply for the Patent if it's got backing.


  1. Is there a Registered-Post Patent legal precedent? Wikikpedia Poor Man's Copyright

There is no provision in US copyright law regarding any such type of protection. However if the letter is forensically certified as unopened and officially dated, stamped with an authentic Registered Barcode. You can still object to the Patent being granted on the grounds that the Patent is not a new idea. To object a competing application being granted you have to lodge a complaint within 6 months. * May differ per country

  • 5
    Has this mail-to-self tactic been tested in court?
    – Emmaly
    Commented Sep 21, 2012 at 8:54
  • 5
    Mail to lawyer is probably a better strategy. Commented Sep 21, 2012 at 9:39
  • 5
    evidence to show the Patent Office it is not new Sorry, if it hasn't been disclosed publicly or used commercially, it doesn't count as "prior art" - so these wouldn't affect someone else's patent application, under the upcoming change to first-to-file (on 13 March 2013).
    – user905
    Commented Sep 21, 2012 at 9:55
  • 5
    Can you post what "RedGate" product they stole?
    – JonH
    Commented Sep 21, 2012 at 13:33
  • 6
    Information kept in your safe and never publicly disclosed will not count as prior art against competitors. Commented Sep 21, 2012 at 18:52

You should focus more energy on determining market-worthiness of the idea.

If the idea doesn't seem like there is much of a margin for profit, then you could consider posting it since it doesn't matter if someone steals it.

Alternatively then, you could publish it via a CC license that will limit the terrain of other patentability (due to your public prior art)

  • 1
    But what if I think it's not market-worthy, discuss it online, and then Microsoft patents it? :(
    – endolith
    Commented Oct 6, 2012 at 13:26
  • 1
    @endolith - Discuss it online in a fashion thorough enough to be used as prior art. This will enable you to prevent Microsoft from patenting it (or at least make it not worth their while to try).
    – Ben Barden
    Commented Apr 9, 2013 at 21:17
  • @BenBarden: See patents.stackexchange.com/q/636/1454
    – endolith
    Commented Apr 9, 2013 at 21:28
  • 1
    or put the license as CC-NY-NC as said in creativecommons.org Commented Aug 15, 2014 at 18:04

Any patent lawyer will tell you that the safest strategy is to file a patent application before making any public disclosures. Under both the old and new US patent laws an inventor can still file for patent protection for up to one year after making a public disclosure. However, other countries do not offer that right and so your non-US patent rights would be lost. In addition, filing for patent protection first helps demarcate your invention. If instead you first post it in a public forum, there may well be some later controversy regarding who invented what.

The reality is, however, that a startup company is typically not going to be very successful if they always follow the safest strategy promoted by their lawyers. Patenting is expensive and time-consuming and anyone with scarce resources will need to consider whether that is the highest and best use of their currently available resources. Many new products are patented, but most are probably not patented. Yet, their manufacturers are still able to make a profit.


Should I patent my idea before posting it on public internet forums?

If you post it on a public forum, then it becomes prior art for the others. So they can't patent it! You, on the other hand, have only one year to file before it becomes prior art for you as well.

Could someone who sees my post beat me to it?

Theoretically, No. Even if someone tries to beat you to it, you can always post the prior art (which you yourself posted) to nullify it [Ref:America Invents Act of 2011]. There's a good probability that the patent agent reviewing an application might miss the prior art you posted and grant the patent but this reform should take care of that discrepancy for the US. For other countries, you'll have to do a little research.

EDIT- It seems the US is changing to first-to-file (active 16 March 2013) which means that the one year grace period is gone, so that after posting online, it immediately becomes prior art for the poster too unless you file a provisitional application which costs $125. So if you want to patent your idea, you just shouldn't post it before filing it.

  • 2
    @FlavorScape I was thinking legitimate forums like the one we're on, which maintain logs! But yeah, on others, there's a good chance of betrayal. Commented Sep 21, 2012 at 7:37
  • 2
    In addition to posting to a public forum, one can use timestamping services like itconsult.co.uk/stamper.htm
    – jpsecher
    Commented Sep 21, 2012 at 7:53
  • 2
    one year to file before it becomes prior art The US is changing to first-to-file (active 16 March 2013) en.wikipedia.org/wiki/… This means that that one year grace period is gone, so that after posting online, it immediately becomes prior art. However, you can file a "provisional" application ($125) - then you can disclose, and have a year to file the full application. Most countries use this system.
    – user905
    Commented Sep 21, 2012 at 9:37
  • 1
    @FlavorScape archive.org retrieves pages on specific dates and can be used to prove what was available on what date
    – Plepleus
    Commented Sep 21, 2012 at 14:06
  • 3
    @user905 I don't see how going to first to file would change the year to file. 35 USC 102 is not changing and that is what gives an inventor one year to file from any public disclosure, use, or publication. Publishing it online would start the one year and if anyone else (i.e. the "by another" in the 102 statute) tries to apply for a patent on that subject matter it could be used as prior art on that someone else.
    – Plepleus
    Commented Sep 21, 2012 at 14:10

Should I patent my idea before posting it on public internet forums?

Yes, because if you don't, it then becomes prior art itself. You wouldn't be able to patent it, because it was already publicly known - even though it was you who published it.

You can file a provisional patent application which will give you year's grace. They cost $125. Then you can post it online - but now the clocks starts ticking, and if you don't file the full application within that year, you won't be able to.

Note: The USA used to give this year's grace automatically ("first-to-invent"), but is changing to first-to-file next year (16 March 2013).

  • 1
    There's still a one-year "grace period" in the US, although its exact scope is a little less clear under the AIA.
    – user1053
    Commented Sep 21, 2012 at 19:52
  • Be careful with the grace period ... It is debatable how much of a true grace period there is in many cases. Of particular danger is anything that can be construed as "for sale" ... which is a very broad category.
    – SRDC
    Commented Oct 15, 2015 at 4:41

In UK, displaying your invention or discussing it publicly, such as in a forum, invalidates you from making any patent application

  • 1
    This is not entirely correct. Public release of the invention information could be used at Prior Art against its own application. However, in the US you do have a 1-year period in which to apply for the patent, I'm sure the UK/EU have a similar grace period.
    – Ron J.
    Commented Apr 8, 2014 at 13:34
  • This comment is partially correct. The U.S. is notable for having a grace period. However, most other countries have a strict novelty requirement.
    – George White
    Commented Apr 26, 2014 at 16:58
  • This is not correct. period. 1 year grace period is still in effect. Don't rely on it though ... get a ppa at least. Commented Feb 12, 2016 at 3:45

Another cheap yet powerful alternative is to certify copies of your printed materials through Notary Public.

  • This may NOT be considered Prior Art as it is not an act of publishing or making the document known to the public.
    – Ron J.
    Commented Dec 17, 2013 at 14:12
  • Not true since we changed to a First Inventor to File system in 2013. The patent office doesn't care who invented it first. They only care who filed it first ... including filing it with the public via public disclosure (though they do offer a 1 year grace period to the inventor / discloser in that case, during which time they must get a ppa or npa). Commented Feb 12, 2016 at 3:47

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