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Questions tagged [worldwide]

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Given application, grant, and publication numbers, containing duplicates of the same patent, how do I figure out the total number of unique patents?

How can I input a list of application numbers, grant numbers, and publication numbers, some of which may be duplicates of the same patent, and determine which ones correspond to the unique patent so I ...
Coo's user avatar
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What does "Worldwide applications US" means in Google Patents?

What does "Worldwide applications US" means in Google Patents? This is the pattent Will this patent infringe if used in Europe and elsewhere outside the US?
Self Smarted's user avatar
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We have a patent in China (only) and it was registered in jan 2021, we want to register it in the UK do we have priority

Our manufacturer has a patent in China (only) and it was granted in jan 2021, we want to register it in the UK, do we have priority. We have seen another UK company is registering a similar product in ...
postman's user avatar
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Patenting an invention already sold as a toy in Japan [duplicate]

Quite awhile back I came up with an invention, or I read about it somewhere even longer ago and didn't come up with it myself. At any rate it's already in production in the form of a toy in Japan. ...
Peterr de Vries's user avatar
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Is it possible to protect an app (somehow)?

I wonder how or where to protect an app which will be released on google playstore and/or on iOS. Afaik any protections relate to single nations, so in principle I would have to hand in claims in each ...
Ben's user avatar
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How are worldwide patent application numbers generated?

If in a worldwide patent application I wanted to create a significant number (e.g. a spouse’s birthday/ wedding anniversary) would I be able to request that number or are the numbers randomly ...
Gcyu's user avatar
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