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what incentive is there for a company to buy or license an invention before the patent is approved?

If you file a European Patent you will get a provisional protection after publication, as it is described in Art. 67 EPC. If a state requires so, your provisional protection may start from the ...
picibucor's user avatar
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patent life of a PCT application and royality thereof

I agree with chempatent1981's answer on the expiry. I shall therefore focus on the when damages might be due. You have used the term "royalty period". However, as far as I know, that is not really a ...
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patent life of a PCT application and royality thereof

a. The US filing date is the PCT filing date. You can find this stated clearly in this useful web page (1st asterisk). 20 year life time starts from the filing ...
chempatent1981's user avatar
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Can I sell a patented product as licensee in a country that the patent is not registered?

If you manufacture in a country that has a granted patent covering the product, it doesn’t matter where you sell the product. The patent still is in force and you would need to abide by your license.
Eric S's user avatar
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What is the reason that the majority of licensed patents of Universities do not produce substantial royalties?

I have worked with university patents and licensing for 16+ years and want to share one big item missing from your list. People. I have seen many great ideas get licensed and then die because of poor ...'s user avatar
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what incentive is there for a company to buy or license an invention before the patent is approved?

In the US, once issued, the inventor can try to use their rights to stop the company from ever making any more and license the invention to another company.
George White's user avatar
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How do companies like ARM handle improvements to their patent licenses?

I don't know the particulars of the licenses ARM provides. I do know there are different ones. ARM can indeed make a great deal of money off the licenses without the need to invest in manufacturing ...
Eric S's user avatar
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Can I sell a patented product as licensee in a country that the patent is not registered?

Not likely Patents give the owner the right to control who is allowed to make, sell, offer for sale, import and use anything that would infringe one or more claims. They are territorial so one could ...
George White's user avatar
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can this invention be patented?

As a preamble, the three basic requirements for a claimed invention is that it must be novel, non-obvious and useful in order to receive a patent. These three requirements can be applied to your two ...
Maca's user avatar
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can this invention be patented?

No, your invention is not patentable because what you do is already known. It does not matter that you repackage known functionality into a dedicated device.
user18326's user avatar
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infringement damage validity for a descriptive PPA

Will I then be eligible for infringement damage, after 31-Dec-2019 for the infringement made on April-01-2018? No. Provisional rights only apply to acts that occur after publication (30 May 2018 in ...
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