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6 votes

Does Chinese Patent Examination Lack Rigor?

By way of preface, this is all opinion. As far as I know, there are no empirical studies on this. I suspect that a US or EP examiner is much more likely to reject an application for lacking novelty ...
Maca's user avatar
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3 votes

Does Chinese Patent Examination Lack Rigor?

I have a slightly different conclusion drawn based on my experience. I see that chinese examiners are tedious in searching prior art and their objections are almost always described in a detailed ...
chempatent1981's user avatar
1 vote

Is there (no) reciprocity in protection between the US and China?

As patents are granted by national or regional patent offices, the patents are therefore only useful for protecting an invention in the country in which that patent is granted. In other words, patent ...
RishiM's user avatar
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1 vote

When is "Entry into substantive examination phase" as provided by "INPADOC Legal Status" unavailable even though the patent has been granted?

The date is not universally available in a summary like INPADOC because it provides no information regarding the patent holders rights and is not even universally recognized as an event in all patent ...
George White's user avatar
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