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How to protect my idea/prototype at little or no cost?

If you are concerned about third parties manufacturing your device and/or using your device in China, then you need to protect your invention by means of a Chinese utility model and/or a Chinese ...
the Europeist's user avatar
2 votes

How Do I avoid being sued for patent infringement when publishing my mobile app?

From your question, it is clear you have a misunderstanding between patent and copyright. I suggest you begin by reading this introduction from the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO). A ...
J. Roibal - BlockchainEng's user avatar
2 votes

How was the period for patent protection chosen?

You have a lot of interesting questions, and the subject of patent term length is actually very important to the tech industry. I would suggest the paper An Empirical Study of the Twenty-Year Patent ...
Chris's user avatar
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How to protect my idea/prototype at little or no cost?

I do work with startup companies. One way they handle this sort of thing is to keep the invention secret while attempting to obtain funding. To do this, you have to execute confidentiality agreements ...
Eric S's user avatar
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Are text and images in the patent copyrighted?

Copyrighted? Yes. Enforceable? Probably not. In the USA, the copyrighted nature of patents and applications for patents would, like anything else, initially depend upon when and how it was created and ...
Upnorth's user avatar
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Do the weights of a neural network get any kind of IP protection?

Do the weights of a neural network get any kind of IP protection? Almost certainly not, as they are obvious (in a patent sense). The reasoning for this is a little bit indirect. Neural networks in ...
Maca's user avatar
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In India, Can we patent a 3-D printed Teaching Learning Material (TLM)

The main answer to your question (which needs clarification without disclosing the invention itself) is that being manufactured on a 3D printer does not in itself disqualify the invention from ...
Andreas ZUERCHER's user avatar
1 vote

Any hazards to including code derived from permissively licensed software in a patent application?

AS you say, the content of 37 CFR 1.71 (d) and (e) does make the question on-topic, but it is also on topic at Law SE. The USPTO rule cited requires that anything marked copyright in an application ...
George White's user avatar
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If someone has a patent but I invented same thing earlier, can I manufacture it?

Most likely - No First, copyrights have nothing to do with it other than any written or drawn plans you might have made can't literally be copied without your OK. They have a patent and can try to ...
George White's user avatar
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If someone has a patent but I invented same thing earlier, can I manufacture it?

You don't mention the country, but assuming the patent is from the country you are looking to manufacture or sell in then no you can't produce the product without fear of being sued for infringement. ...
Eric S's user avatar
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How much can you change a PPA when converting into Non-Provisional such that you will be able to keep the PPA date?

You can make any change you like between a provisional application and a non-provisional application. It is just that claims in the non-provisional that are not sufficiently supported in the ...
George White's user avatar
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Can you copyright a trade secret?

Using the formula for Coke as an example, you could write down a detailed recipe that would be copyrighted as long as it was more than just a bare list. And you could keep the recipe secret. The added ...
George White's user avatar
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Can I copy parts of applications that are not specific to the invention?

Can I copy parts of applications that are not specific to the invention? Probably, but maybe not. The key issue comes down to whether your copying would infringe the original author's copyright. ...
Maca's user avatar
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How was the period for patent protection chosen?

Patents were systematically granted in Venice as of 1450, where they issued a decree by which new and inventive devices had to be communicated to the Republic in order to obtain legal protection ...
RishiM's user avatar
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How was the period for patent protection chosen?

I can't provide historical context for the reason 20 years is the term for utility patents, but I can say that it didn't originate in the US. Up until June 8, 1995 the term for US patent was 17 years ...
Eric S's user avatar
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Who owns copyright to computer code disclosed in a patent?

For the U.S. - In the U.S. in 1988 the US patent rules had an addition saying that a patent application could include a copyright notice but, if so, needed the following disclaimer of those rights "A ...
George White's user avatar
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Can I patent and create an existing service with a different name, in a different state?

I'm assuming what you mean by states are states within the United States. Patents have jurisdiction in a specific country not specific states. A US patent covers all of the United States. Even if ...
Eric S's user avatar
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Question regarding employee vs employer patent ownership

Almost every engineer I’ve ever worked with has side projects. It’s above board and legitimate. But be paranoid. Assume your friendly reasonable manager will be replaced by a vicious snake. Don’t ...
Howlium's user avatar
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Are text and images in the patent copyrighted?

With apologies to the OP's narrow original question, given that questions involving distinct legal issues and non-US jurisdictions are being closed as duplicates, there are some points that I think ...
Samuel Henderson's user avatar

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