Best places to record ideas as prior art to avoid later patents (UK/US)
The most famous one is http://ip.com/
I don't know if one has to pay for publishing there, but its main purpose is defensive publications, i.e. what you are looking for. Patent examiners include the ...
Best places to record ideas as prior art to avoid later patents (UK/US)
One option targeted to the IT industry is Prior Art Archive. This article suggests it is being developed in concert with the USPTO. From their About page:
Low quality patents waste money. US ...
Minimum requirement for a patent application to be published
Since a key benefit would be to allow an examiner to find the publication, it seems the publication would need to be in English. I have therefore focused on jurisdictions which publish in English. I ...
Is it a good idea to publicly release an idea after filling PCT application but before ISR is published?
To put the contents of your application into the prior art for other’s future applications as early as possible, you could publish or publicly disclose the contents the day after you file.
That isn’t ...
How do others' publications during the grace period hinder patentability?
As interpreted by the USPTO the only thing that can't be used against you due to the "grace" period is pretty much exactly what you published. If your application has new material not present in the ...
Github for Patents?
Statutory invention registrations (SIR) were used by applicants in past for publishing patent applications on which they no longer felt they could get patents. By publishing the patent applications, ...
Best places to record ideas as prior art to avoid later patents (UK/US)
To prevent others getting a patent, file a patent application, let it publish and then go abandoned.
Since this came back up I have thought more about it. To win a case after a patent is issued or to ...
Best places to record ideas as prior art to avoid later patents (UK/US)
"Defensive Publication In France. Study on usage of defensive publication strategy "; Felix Coxwell, Eva Gimello; Nov 12, 2012
Best places to record ideas as prior art to avoid later patents (UK/US)
This topic has come up here several times before. There are many helpful answers you can see by searching "defensive publication" on Ask Patents. Also, it is not expensive, but to publish on ...
How to defend your work from patent vultures?
One hopes that should Google actually obtain a patent in this area, it will be a minor "improvement" that should be easy to circumvent. I don't see how they can block you and others from practicing ...
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