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Questions tagged [enablement]

Enablement, or sufficiency of disclosure, is the requirement that a patent allows a person skilled in the art to reproduce the claimed invention.

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generic steps of a claim that are required to make the method complete

a computer method for profile matching, comprising: a) storing a plurality of profiles in a database; b) receiving a request for matching; c) determining potential matches from the plurality of ...
Bear Bile Farming is Torture's user avatar
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risk of keeping efficient implementation details a trade secret

The invention is in the field of software development. In particular, it is in the consumer app space. For the invention to be practical enough to be a consumer app on the market, it must have some ...
Bear Bile Farming is Torture's user avatar
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Enablement without undue experimentation standard

The invention is in the field of software development. In particular, it is in the consumer app space. For the invention to be practical enough to be a consumer app on the market, it must have some ...
Bear Bile Farming is Torture's user avatar
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Writing the specification to fulfill the enablement criterion when I have used an off-the-shelf module in the invention

I am writing a patent specification, and I'm a little stuck with how best to describe it. The issue is that while experimenting with the patent subject matter (i.e. the implementation of the idea), I ...
Joebevo's user avatar
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how much detail is needed to be given for a dating app that can take human written text and return matches from that?

ChatGPT is out. Google has gemini. I've already seen one failed dating app startup that takes freestyle human input, such as text, and then return a list of suggested matches to the user. If an ...
Bear Bile Farming is Torture's user avatar
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Is it possible to patent something that cannot be implemented yet?

Let's suppose that an invention combines three components A, B, and C in a way that produces an unexpected result. However, component C can only be described at a high level and currently there is no ...
Bear Bile Farming is Torture's user avatar
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how to know how much implementation detail to include?

In my software patent application, I've described the main features in detail. There are many optional features. I am not sure how much implementation details are needed for these optional features. ...
Bear Bile Farming is Torture's user avatar
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How was this patent/claim granted with such little implementation detail? US7739231B2 Let's look at the first claim: A computer-based people matching method comprising: determining the expected level of ...
Bear Bile Farming is Torture's user avatar
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Patent Enablement - how do you balance retention of secrets and teaching make and use

Disclaimer: I'm a math-nerd, not a lawyer, so I'm going to get everything here wrong, I'm sure. Background: USPTO, in supporting its purpose in encouraging innovation, says patents require "...
EngrStudent's user avatar
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Can a patent be invalidated when the inventors later publicly doubt operability and the reliability of reported results?

In a concrete example, the patent application describes a particular method and, as part of the enabling disclosure, reports certain detector readings as confirmation of the expected outcome i.e. ...
MrFu's user avatar
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2 answers

Sufficiency of disclosure (enablement, written desc) for genus claims?

It is generally stated in that one must both show ownership of and give the public the invention in order to get the monopoly rights of a claim (e.g. 112 in US, Art. 83 EPO). However, for purposes of ...
user132162's user avatar
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Risks of "kitchen sink" disclosures?

It is common practice when writing specifications to disclose a broad range of possible embodiments "just to be safe", and without much thought to how such embodiments might be realized in ...
user132162's user avatar
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Does non-enabled use constitute infringement?

Consider a patent with broad specification and claims. Would it be considered infringement if one then practices the invention in a way that was not PHOSITA-enabled by the spec/claims at the ...
user132162's user avatar
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Prototype requirement and patent enablement wrt written description requirements

In reference to the patent: WO1997013970A1 Is this patent still active/ enforceable? I think this design is too similar to a detroit diesel 71 series uniflow engine. There are at least two other ...
Jordan Brandt's user avatar
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Patentability vs enablement

The patentability requirements are mostly novel, non obvious, and useful, which doesn't say enablement, i.e. anything that novel, non obvious, and useful can be patented. But to get the patent it ...
user2174870's user avatar
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4 answers

"Undue experimentation" - why isn't the patent office more demanding to minimise it (e.g. provide parts list)?

The majority of the patents I've looked at read to me as outlines of research projects rather than detailed descriptions of how to make something. (I am a person of ordinary skill in the art; I have a ...
Evgeni Sergeev's user avatar
6 votes
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Does this analyzer server meet the "full, clear, concise" terms of 35 USC 112?

Could you explain me how the 35 USC 112 rule is satisfied by the patent US5946647: The specification shall contain a written description of the invention, and of the manner and process of making ...
Antoni Jakubiak's user avatar